Social media. A fast and convenient method to tell the entire world what we’ve been up to, and look at the same about others. Social media can be perfect to keep up on current affairs, only if it’s used within a limit. Studies show that constant use of social media is concerning, as it is pretty damaging to our mental wellbeing.
Excessive usage of social media can lead us to be more unhappy. A lot of times, we have the Fear Of Missing Out, or FOMO, as we call it these days. Watching people do so many new and fun things can get really intimidating and induce feelings of loneliness and anxiety.
Accept it or not, social media can get really addictive. You would not even notice, and you would’ve spent countless minutes taking your thumb on a stroll across the screen. This can lead to time management issues, further leading to breaching deadlines and procrastination, with less productivity.
All that glitters, isn’t gold. We have heard this saying a lot of times, it comes up every once in a while. It applies to social media as well! Not everything people show on their social media is true. They might be faking it, and might be wearing a façade. But, we don’t realize that and feel unhappy. It is actually proven that high use of social media can lead to social isolation, thus again inducing poor mental health.
Comparing our lives with others can get very unhealthy and can disrupt our mind-peace. Social media might also lead to a vicious cycle of jealousy and self-doubts, due to comparisons.
Written by: Pranjali Gupta
Edited by: Aarushi Sharma
Uploaded by: Anoushka Ishi Gupta
That's so well written!! I loved it, amazing job <3
Woah, Well researched and amazingly put together. Fabulous job Pranjali🔥🔥