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How is menstruation related to human rights?

Writer: Spectrum ProjectSpectrum Project

Throughout history, women have faced prejudice and been excluded from social events and gatherings due to menstruation. The menstrual cycle involves a woman's uterus shedding blood and tissue each month. In order to carry and procreate children, women need this essential biological process.

However, how society looks at periods is far from favourable. Despite today's progress, menstruation still carries a stigma. It is an unavoidable aspect of women's and girls' lives, and its accommodation is essential. There should be no shame associated with it and women should undergo their cycles with their heads held high and with dignity.

The major issue that comes up when periods come into play, is the lack of basic sanitary amenities, like pads or tampons, as well as safe bathroom facilities. These amenities are generally quite expensive and many women, especially in rural areas, find it difficult to maintain proper menstrual hygiene. As a result of the taboo status of the topic, women are pressured to keep these needs to themselves.

The lack of proper policies and instructions when it comes to menstruation has led to a negative impact on women's and girls’ rights. Because of a lack of proper management, women often stay at home, miss school and work, and are humiliated by their community.

Therefore, women and those around them need to be educated on period rights so that they feel safe and comfortable during their monthly cycles.

Written By: Andhiya Madamala

Edited by : Siddhi Deelwal

Uploaded by: Aadi Kanchankar


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