How many times have you constantly checked the time as the last few moments of work
or school were approaching? It's that feeling of nostalgia one craves whenever one is
nearly finished with their task after a long day and just wants to curl up in bed with a hot
cup of coffee.
● One of the many ways that people can relax and get comfortable is to have a
long and hot bath. A bath not only improves much of your health physically, but it
can also prove to be very helpful to your mental stresses as well.
● For a while, you should also completely let go of your worries. Though it might
seem challenging, even a few minutes can make a big difference. Mental health
should always be a priority.
● Many people use journaling and writing down their emotions as stress relievers.
This tactic is also recommended by psychologists. The act of journaling can be
beneficial for the body as well as a way to confront your feelings without
judgment. A journal is like one’s own personal confidant.
These are just a few ways to relax after a long and tiring day. They can help you
achieve peace in the constant war that is life. If you practice these simple techniques
often, they can be extremely effective for the body and mind. You should try them and
get a much-needed and well-deserved rest afterward.
Author: Chirali Chatterjee
Editor: Siddhi Deelwal
Uploaded by: Anoushka Ishi Gupta